Thursday, December 30, 2010

Look Who's 3 Months Old!

Can you even believe how cute and cuddly this little Zachary is!?!  We just can't get enough of him. It's so incredible that in three short months he's grown so much, looks so different, and interacts in so many ways.  For the most part Zach is a happy baby.  Occasionally he'll have a fussy day, but what baby doesn't?  When he's happy, though, he is HAPPY.  He loves to smile and coo and laugh.

He has been doing so well with his sleeping.  Since Thanksgiving, he's only been waking up once a night, and lots of nights he'll sleep all night.  Our record, so far, is 10 1/2 hours.  Not too bad for a 3-month-old!  I feel like a new person since I've been getting more sleep. I have to admit, I was walking around like a zombie for the first couple of months.  I've never been more exhausted in my life.  Things are definitely looking up!

It has been so fun to watch Hallie and Lizzie interact with Zach.  They are excellent big sisters, and they are so proud of their adorable little brother.  While I was pregnant with him, we often wondered how we would ever manage taking care of three little ones.  Now we can't imagine our life without him. 


  1. So cute!!! I can hardly believe that these boys are growing up so fast! We will have to have a play date soon:)
