Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Jack Johnson's Biggest Fans

I've had my suspicions for awhile that Blake must be one of Jack Johnson's biggest fans.  He's seen him in Hawaii at the Kokua Festival three times and also every time he's been in Salt Lake.  I even got to join him in Hawaii this past April.  We wanted to go on a little get-away, and Blake figured it was the perfect opportunity to take a trip and see Jack, all in one.

Hallie and Lizzie love Jack Johnson too, and now, whether he wants to or not, our baby boy (due in October) will join the fan club.  My super sweet and thoughtful sister-in-law, Melissa, made us these darling mini Jack t-shirts.  I can't wait for our new baby to be able to wear them.

Come to think of it, the baby was moving and kicking like crazy while we were at the concert.  I think he was loving it.


  1. Congrats on the baby boy.....how fun.

  2. ha! You don't know how happy I am that you liked these. We just weren't sure what the reaction would be! All I know is I can't wait to see new baby boy in October and enjoy many a Jack Johnson concert in Hawaii with his parents (or at least one!).
