On March 19th Lizzie turned 4 years old! Over the past several months she has been telling us that she wants to be a cowgirl. Well, now she's all set. For her birthday Grandma and Papa gave her some fantastic red boots and a red hat to match. She also got some barrel racing horses and a Barbie with a horse that really trots. She got spoiled with lots of other fun gifts from aunts and uncles and Nana and friends. What a lucky girl! She started her birthday by going to breakfast with her family. Then later on Blake took her and Hallie to a movie. She's had a great weekend playing with all her fun new things.
It's always fun to have a day to celebrate each child individually. Lizzie is always willing to help and always has a hug or kiss or a sweet complement to share with Mom or Dad. She and Hallie spend hours every weekend and in the evenings after school playing together. Lizzie has a very special place in her heart for Baby Zach. She constantly gives him loves and wants to make sure he is happy and well taken care of. Lizzie adds so much to our family!